About Our PGMC Team

Our company’s guiding principle is that We help people.

Our Construction of Retaining Walls

years experience

BBB Customer Complaints

PGMC The Retaining Wall Company has been an Oklahoma Corporation since 2011. The company owners, Craig and Rita Lightfoot, have been married since 1992. Their daughter was born in 1993. They opened their first business in 1994. It was a personally ran lawn mowing service that developed into a full-service landscaping firm servicing the southeastern U.S.
Business hasn’t always been easy, but it has certainly been an adventure led and sustained by their faith in God. During the recession of 2008, they moved to Tulsa, OK and helped residents with their outdoor needs, because the southeastern United States was experiencing the economic downturn more than Oklahoma.

PGMC has been focused on installing retaining walls since 2013, but Craig and his team installed their first segmental block retaining wall in 2005 at a hospital in Dalton, GA…a 12’ tall and approximately 200’ long wall that is still in pristine condition. People regularly say, “We need to call PGMC since this project needs a retaining wall”, “PGMC goes the extra mile,” “I can’t believe you guys did this much work in that amount of time,” and “We have another retaining wall that we need you to help us do.”

PGMC is focused on helping people the way they need to be helped, and recognizes the importance of being surrounded by a great team including its staff, suppliers, and customers who can rely on each other to do the right things for the right reasons.

Our philosophy builds great customer and vendor relationships.

PGMC’s “People First” focus is simply communicating to set expectations, delivering quality products and services, and being certain the value received is as discussed.

Most of the retaining walls we install are brought to us through homeowner referrals, site contractors, general contractors, construction managers, engineers and architects, and block manufacturers. Specializing on one sector enables our team to help people the way they need to be helped. We are constantly developing new relationships as people become aware we are here to help.

PGMC decided to expand through the nine state region we currently serve since there was such a demand for our services and a great desire to work in our team that keeps growing. We are fortunate to be surrounded by others who’ve developed their companies, in other industries, into multi-site and multi-state businesses. We do all we do through our “People First” culture.

PGMC’s focus statement is, “We help people use unusable land through building retaining walls.”

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6 + 14 =

“Craig and his team at PGMC built the Retaining wall at our condominium complex to the exact specifications of our structural engineer. His team completed the work ahead of schedule and the wall looks great.”

— Robert Clemons

“Quality, Professional, Respectable, Reasonable, Dependable”

— Henry Sampson